Express Yourself Contest!

Express Yourself Contest!
We've been at this a while now and it never ceases to amaze us just how many creative people are out there. We'd like to take a moment to celebrate that creativity and give an outlet for it. Our contest, which will run for a few months and if it goes over well, longer, revolves around just how creative you can be. NO--this is NOT a talent contest for who can do the best. It's for who can put the most heart into it. There is also more than one way to express yourself so we want to be sure to include them all.
Here are just some of the prizes we'll be offering. $20.00 gift certificates to, signed print copies of our books, PDF downloads of our books, bookmarks and more.
How can you be entered? That's easy--EXPRESS YOURSELF!
The way we'd like to see (but you're not limited to this) is for readers to make fan-based book videos of our books. Some of the programs for this are free to download and use. One is Microsoft Movie Maker--it's free and available through Microsoft's website. If you can click and drag--you can do it. It really is that easy. Since we're not expecting Spielberg, anyone is free to play along and try their hand. We really think these videos will, if nothing else, open a new avenue to get the word out about our books. We'd love to share the spreading of the news with you, our readers. We do have a few minor rules for the videos though...
- Please, no Debbie Does Dallas Porn (most free hosting sites will yank these anyway).
- You MUST label (in title) ALL entries clearly that this is "FAN-BASED video/artwork/etc".
- Also, no book spoilers--these won't be entered into the contest. If you're unsure what might be a spoiler, play off the blurb of the book. That is a safe bet.
- These can ONLY have OUR books as the focus.
- Please no WRITTEN fan-fiction. Sorry, but these won't be included. And as always, book ideas, manuscripts and anything of the like will not be read and will be deleted promptly. Sorry..damn lawyers and their damn policies. Oy.
- You may enter as often as you like with new works each time. There is NO limit to how many entries you can do. You'll be entered into the drawing each time for each entry.
Helpful tips: Microsoft Movie Maker is free. It's a drag and drop program and is easy to use. ALL of our covers can be found on our website (Michelle M. Pillow & Mandy M. Roth) along with information about each title. Be creative! Youtube and Myspace are just two of the places who offer FREE video hosting. Once your fan-based video is made, put it up and send Michelle and I the link. We'll check it out and get it linked with the others for display.
You do NOT have to use your real name for this (well, you do have to give it to Michelle and I in the event you win but we'll keep that between us if you're rather have a nick or something for public).
If you cannot figure out how to host the video Michelle and I will open a spot JUST for fan based videos. You can contact us about this further if you have questions. We're happy to help. We want everyone to have fun and access to these.
~~~~By submitting the work(s), you acknowledge that you are giving us permission to post them and use them in a manner we see fit. Must be 18 years and older to play. Must label all uploads/posts "fan-based video/artwork/etc". Michelle M. Pillow and Mandy M. Roth assume NO responsibility for content/copyright of works submitted for contest, and ask that the work be original/submitted in good faith.~~~~
Make a book video? What, are they smoking the good shit again (you might be asking yourselves) *snicker* If this just isn't your thing but you'd still like to enter the contest, we'd love to see other ways you can express your "love" (know that Michelle just slapped me for writing that) for us.
Here are some other ideas. You're not limited to them though.
- Fan artwork. It can be uploaded to yahoo album on Mandy or Michelle's yahoo groups (both if you want). Same rules apply as video.
- Digital picture of you holding one of our print books or a pic of one of our ebooks pulled up on your computer/reading device. (same rules apply)
- Macaroni frame of our names--just kidding unless you REALLY wanted to. But the point is, EXPRESS YOURSELF. Do you want to sculpt a shrine to us out of your mashed potatoes? (Michelle makes the request you do hers out of chocolate and send directly to her...thanks...SNORT) Do you want to build a statue of us out of M&Ms? Do you want to send us handmade artwork from your neck of the woods? Whatever you want to do...DO IT! The easiest way for us to see this stuff is via the web and uploading pics to the yahoo group pics section. MAKE sure to tell us you did and its up. If it's handmade artwork you want to send--you can send it to Mandy M. Roth PO Box 305, Huron, OH 44839 (Michelle's can come to my PO Box as well. I'll be sure she gets them.)
- Want to start a tribute fan web page for our books? A fan club? A cult (ouch...? What? I want minions dammit...Michelle let me have know you want them. *big grin* )
- Want to start a rock band named after us? Pfft, only if you let us be lead signers. Wait, I've heard her sing, she should be a backup dancer or something. *grin* Watch your toes your toes!
- If you have not a lick of creative juice in your body but still want to play along, don't worry. We've got other ideas too. Amazon allows readers to post reviews of our books. If you'd liked to be entered in the contest--EXPRESS YOURSELF there. Same rules apply as with the others. Also, you do NOT have to love the book. We want you to be honest. If you loved it, that's fine too. LOL
~~~~By submitting the work(s), you acknowledge that you are giving us permission to post them and use them in a manner we see fit. Must be 18 years and older to play. Must label all uploads/posts "fan-based video/artwork/etc". Michelle M. Pillow and Mandy M. Roth assume NO responsibility for content/copyright of works submitted for contest, and ask that the work be original/submitted in good faith.~~~~
We just want this to be a fun, rocking contest that lets everyone EXPRESS themselves!
Mandy M. Roth
Michelle M. Pillow
~~~~By submitting the work(s), you acknowledge that you are giving us permission to post them and use them in a manner we see fit. Must be 18 years and older to play. Must label all uploads/posts "fan-based video/artwork/etc". Michelle M. Pillow and Mandy M. Roth assume NO responsibility for content/copyright of works submitted for contest, and ask that the work be original/submitted in good faith.~~~~
Microsoft Movie Maker(free movie maker program by Microsoft that is very easy to use)
How to Use Movie Maker
Youtubeand Myspace(two FREE video hosting sites. All you need to do is sign up for a free account and then you can upload videos to it)
Mandy's yahoo group where you can upload fan artwork/photos.
Michelle's yahoo group where you can upload fan artwork/photos.
Labels: contest, Express Yourself
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